Register Your Blog to be Part of ds106

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog

DS106 Blog Signup

Here is where you tell us about the blog you are using for DS106. If you have been part of DS106 in the past, first check our list of all blogs and if any changes need to be made (e.g. to add to a new section) use our contact form to tell us what to change.

Are you adding a new blog? Great. See more details on setting up a blog.

Before you start filling out the form below, make sure that
(a) You have a created or already use a twitter account;
(b) You have created or have available a blog where you will publish your work.
(c) Make sure you have published at least one post to your blog or in the category/tag you will use for ds106.

  • We will not publish your name, and feel free to enter a nickname, pseudonym. If we have to contact you, we prefer to greet you by name.
  • Used only if we need to confirm or clarify any information provided here.
  • Choose your course affiliation for ds106 (this will group your posts with other participants)
  • Your DS106 Blog

    This is where we get the information about the blog you will use for DS106. You can use any platform as long as it provides an RSS feed. Your blog must also be publicly viewable

    We suggest Wordpress, Blogger, or tumblr. Make sure you have published at least one post. You can either (a) create a blog devoted entirely to this work (this is the Easy Path), (b) Use a category or tag within an existing blog or (c) Let us figure it out.

    We will ask you for two different web addresses. One is the main place to see ALL of your DS106 blog posts; this is either the URL for your entire blog or the one that shows all the posts within a specific tag or category.

    The second address is the RSS Feed for your work- this is how we can subscribe to your site's DS106 posts.
  • This should be the main or home address that shows all of your posts, like or Please check that this links to he main entrance to your blog If you get an error message that this exists, please contact us so we can manually check or make a change to your blog URL.
  • Enter that web address for your blog into the Feed Finder Magic Box (this link will open in a new window so you will not lose your form entries). Copy the RSS Feed URL that comes out of Magic Box and enter it below. It should be different from the URL you entered above. Please make sure opening this URL in a browser produces something-- it may look like code gibberish... If the Magic Box has no magic for you, please contact us, it will do you no good to continue with this form. Or you could try adding /feed/ to the end of your blog's URL, as in as this is probably the feed URL
  • Hey! One last time to make sure you entered the correct URLs in the previous section AND that you have at least published ONE thing to your blog!!!

    Whew, you made it to the bottom of this long form. Do you have any questions or things we should know?