This is kind of what I’m thinking of for #ds106. I’d like participants to have a random selection of these cards and play them in the comments. They’d embed the image in a comment on someone’s blog and link to the post they’d like to see them act on (flip in this case).
I think it’d add an interesting element of randomness and participation. I also want the cards to be open to interpretation. “Create the opposite” is a fairly wide open. It could mean opposite media type (motion vs still, text vs image etc.) or opposite theme, or any number of other opposites.
I’m curious if others think this is feasible/interesting. Preferably, I’d like it to be both.
Here are a few other possibilities.
For what it’s worth, I think this could be a really interesting thing to do in k12 classes. You could give out these cards with assignments as well. Imagine assigning the topic and having students giving out the assignments, or choosing from their own options.
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