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Assignment 2 – Gardner Campbell

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What I found most interesting and relevant to my life in Campbell’s video and skype sessions was when he mentioned the internet and technology in the classroom. I am in the elementary education program here and Mary Wash, and one of the reasons I took DS106 was to help me in my future classroom. I think that Campbell’s point about the need to bring technology in the classroom is something that I am seeing as a student teacher, as well as something that I saw in my high school. The installation of Smart Boards and technology that is similar brings the internet into the classroom for students, but also brings the internet with it; however, the advantage to Smart Boards is that the internet is now hands on for the students and the teacher in the classroom. I think learning how to properly take advantage of and use the internet is something that we all need to learn in today’s quickly advancing world. I would like to be able to learn how to better use the internet so that I can use it to my full advantage in my future classroom. I think Campbell’s point about bringing the internet into education will greatly help students and teachers alike!

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