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Assignment 2: Campbell has a point

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I would agree that education should be integrated with the internet.  I mean, the one thing that makes it faulty is the plethora of scenarios in which sometimes the internet may crash, an assignment might not go through, and so forth.  On the more positive side, however, it creates  diverse access to information from any location.

As a computer science major, I’ve learned to use the web even if I don’t necessarily like it.  Personally, I can say that I hate reading text books online, but I like having an easy way to click CTRL + F to find what I’m looking for instead of flipping through the glossary and then back to the page, skim the text and hope to find the one word I’m looking for.  A lot of work that I do is also to be turned in via the portal, so that my professors have first hand access to my work and can test it, grade it and so forth.

I can see how it would be negative to have students relying on the web, making it easy to tell fibs about not being able to do the work because they didn’t’ have access and so forth, but this generation is moving towards a more technologically savvy era and we need to stay updated.  Having knowledge on how to use online books, online tests, online school work or being able to express work through a blog, through a song, whatever the creative way is, it allows for a student to identify as an individual whose work can be appreciated by people all around the world wide web.

So the bottom line is, I think this is a positive thing that we should appreciate and embrace.

—-p.s. Sorry I wrote this as a draft in case I wanted to change it later but then forgot the deadline so I’m just posting it now! Whoops.

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