(This is going to act as a preface for something that will be posted later tonight, but which I’m actually working on right now because I like entering in the html myself and the thing that will be posted tonight is html intensive. Enjoy.)
I didn’t originally want to go to Mary Washington. It took a lot of convincing to get me here*, but once I was convinced (and admitted) I made it my mission to do the following things: Brainwash the campus into loving the Kaiser Chiefs as much as I did and study abroad in London. My first mission would be done by being a member of the newspaper, Giant Productions, and the radio station (WMWC, what what.) Two of those things didn’t happen. The radio station did. Still didn’t brainwash the campus into falling for the Kaiser Chiefs, but I did get the opportunity to introduce obscure** British artists to the handful of people who listen to WMWC and my show. For an hour or two a week I got to play music I love*** and talk about things I find interesting.****
I’ve done a lot in my time here at Mdub. I’ve written an 18 page paper, worked two jobs,***** helped to found the school’s sci-fi club, and studied abroad in London. But when all is said and done, I’ll be most proud of my contribution to the radio station. I never acted as an officer, but I was there week in and week out no matter who was in charge, just doing my thing and promoting the radio station to the best of my ability. My show and the radio station are my pride and joy****** from the past four years.
*Basically it took meeting someone who knew someone named Trillian. I’m actually really easy.
**Or not so obscure if you’re cool like that (or I play Lily Allen/Mika/Keane etc.)
***Or not love, though that’s gone by the wayside now that I primarily use my Zune for each show.
****Or mercilessly mock people who I really shouldn’t be mocking because they might crush me. It’s still fun though.
*****On campus, so nothing taxing or particularly exciting.
******I promise to never do that again. And how did I get to six footnotes? Can’t promise that won’t happen again.
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