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Flow of the Future

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In the article Web 2.0 Storytelling: The Emergence of a New Game I found it very interesting that it brings up the point that storytelling is one of the most shared and unique of all human experiences. All of us have, just like our ancestors, become very good at telling and especially listening to stories. The article brought up the point of the vast amount of diversity now coming together in stories and discussed how fast and information and knowledge is spreading. The human experience has indeed manifested itself into the internet.

Web 2.0 offers an even greater form of storytelling than our ancestors around the fire could have imagined. It offers videos, pictures, links, professional opinions, friends opinions, and really anyone and anything that could enhance your story imaginable! The article hints at people finding others content and I think this is one of the greatest things the internet could have possibly gave us… the power to be noticed. The power to make it big if you have talent, weather it’s writing, singing, dancing, selling a product, or creating art! The power to put yourself out there to a potential audience that would make most of us sick to our stomach to otherwise attempt to speak in front of.

Lastly the article really speaks to the compounding information that will continue to advance science, math, technology, logic, and all forms of human intelligence. Academia is essentially connected, and I believe soon academic institutions will soon lay way to online learning. With information not only decentralized, but spread out for all to see on the web, its easy to say that everyone who wants to learn can. A bold statement that shows the power that the internet alone has given us.

Copyrighting is not bad. I’m not saying that. But there has to be a dividing line between things published on the internet and things published in hard copies. The internet is exponential in all regards, and like the universe has an accelerating expansion rate. Copyrights, although good in principle, slow down progress and hinder success. People’s pride in wanting what they did to be all theirs, and for everyone to know it was theirs is the basis for a copyright. The internet is a free flowing dynamic place, free for all to act upon as well as observe. I think as long as you publish a hard copy your credit is due and there should be very little to no copyrights for material “shared” on the web, especially intellectual property.

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