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Web 2.0: Welcome to the #fruitmobile

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I apologize for being so late with posting my third assignment. I used glogster to create what ended up being one of my favorite things I’ve ever made. I know I’m biased, and I’mma let you finish, but I just made one of the best glogs of all time.

And it is because of my glog’s excellence that I couldn’t post it right away. The theme I had, which I finally felt like I’d perfected with widgets and the exact balance of personalization vs. minimalism and ease on the eyes, had constraints on the size of things I could insert into posts and it completely destroyed my precious glog. I couldn’t post that tiny, blurry mess and hope that everyone would click on it and see it in its full-sized glory. So, I did what anyone other than Jim Groom would do and went to sleep because it was 5 a.m. (side-note: based on Twitter, I can only assume you don’t sleep. Confirm/deny.). When I woke up, after careful consideration, I decided my glog was more important than my theme (despite my beautiful Twitter and sidebars) and I went in search of a new theme that only had one column with no width restrictions and would still allow me to upload a custom header. I don’t know why, but I’ve grown rather attached to seeing a poorly cut out me hissing down at myself every time I visit my site. Now, please check out the glog in all its glory. I hope it will successfully illustrate how many principles of Web 2.0 can be applied on a smaller scale (Web 2.0 = #fruitmobile). And, in case you were curious and it’s not immediately obvious, this all actually happened. And, no, I’m not going to explain #fruitmobile. And, yes, you should all start tweeting about it now. My only goal in life is to see #fruitmobile as a trending topic.

[.gif via gifaday]

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