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The More I Learn, The Less I Know (Everything Is Terrible)

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“You’re unhappy. I’m unhappy too. Have you heard of Henry Clay? He was the Great Compromiser. A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied, and I think that’s what we have here.”

-Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 4 “The Carpool Lane”

Most of today has been spent trying to make my blog both aesthetically-not-terrible and functional. I want it to be personal and incorporate different plug-ins, but I need space to embed larger visuals, such as the glog in my last post, which prevented me from using a theme with sidebars.

I figured the best thing to do would be to add an additional page to my site, so I could display blog posts on one and then keep the other as a fixed front page with all of my widgets (Twitter!! Soon-to-be Flickr!). I assumed I’d be able to change the layouts of each page to suit my needs. I assumed wrong. Eventually I found the plug-in HeadSpace2, which allows you to use different themes on each page of your blog. It seems like it also allows you to do a lot more than that, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I haven’t figured out how to customize the themes so the fonts between pages and some small design elements are different, which is driving me crazy because it looks sloppy. I also had to change my header because the theme for my blog posts calls for a smaller one than my front page.

The primary theme of this blog is pilcrow, which has a number of different layout options, one of which would work on my DS106 Posts page and one that is great for the home page, but I can’t figure out how to change theme templates between pages without going into the coding. I tried that, but this is one of the rare instances in my life where I’m going to openly admit that I completely failed. So, for now my blog isn’t uniform between pages and I’ll probably mess around with it for the remainder of the day, but I’d love some pointers from anyone a little more experienced who’s dealt with this before. I feel like it can’t be that hard, but the more I learn about this site, the more I realize how little I know.

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