Five Card Story: Darby and Dylan
a Five Card Flickr story created by Jessica Masulli
flickr photo by cogdogblog
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by krutscjo
flickr photo by cogdogblog
Every morning, Darby the dog wakes up at sunrise and waits on the porch for his best friend to wake up. Dylan the boy usually wakes up a few hours later and runs out to the porch to greet Darby. Darby licks Dylan with excitement. Then, begins the adventure. They run through the woods near the house, collecting rocks and slugs. They roll in the leaves, and when Dylan gets tired, they rest. Dylan lays his head on Darby and they look up at the huge sky. The best friends return at sunset to their big white house. Mom is almost always worried about her two boys by that time, but she never gets mad. Darby and Dylan curl up into bed. Only 10 hours until the next adventure tomorrow.
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