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I Love Everything I Do

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(Alternately: In Which I Inadvertently Make a Ton of Excuses for Myself; Alternately: Iā€™m That Girl Who Got Way Too Into ā€œBlack Swanā€)

I feel like I havenā€™t done nearly as much as some of my more ambitious classmates who have actual Photoshop/computer skills. Now that Iā€™m taking the time to think about it, Iā€™ve done a ton of work that I never posted. Iā€™ve wasted time starting a number of assignments from the visual and design sections that went unfinished because I didnā€™t like them. In fact, last Sunday I spent nearly all day creating an infographic of how we spend time in the Bullet office on Wednesday nights (deadline), but then abandoned it because it wasnā€™t turning out how I wanted it to. Plus it was kind of depressing to actually think about how much time I waste in there.

I didnā€™t want to post assignments that werenā€™t perfect. Basically ds106 is my own personal ā€œBlack Swan.ā€ Which, coincidentally, is a movie that I tried to do for the four icon challenge, but then didnā€™t ever finish because itā€™s impossible to draw swans on a computer.

The Daily Shoot was also kind of a struggle for me. I donā€™t even think I did all of the days, which is terrible, but so is my photography.

Maybe I lied earlier when I said I didnā€™t have anything to bitch about. Though, most of these things are my fault, not ds106?s, so it seems unfair to blame the course.

But, this was supposed to be about how great I am. My two favorite things Iā€™ve done so far were the Web 2.0 assignment, in which I introduced you all to the magic of #frutimobile, (I am aware that this wasnā€™t part of the visual or design section, but it took a lot of time and incorporated visual/design elements) and the Big Caption because it was fun and relatively easy, though I tried to make a few more and I just couldnā€™t find the right balance between funny, interesting and inoffensive, which is a constant issue in my life that stretches far beyond ds106. I meant to get to the Big Hip-Hop, but those never quite materialized.

I already mentioned this in my previous post, but I suppose I canā€™t completely knock the Daily Shoot because it inspired this conversation, which has sort of been my life philosophy since it happened.

So, yeah, I guess itā€™s easy for me to like everything Iā€™ve posted because I destroy the evidence of my failed projects. I feel like it will be more difficult to get away with that sort of thing in the audio and video section because my abilities are far more limited in those areas and Iā€™ll have to eventually just say fuck it and post something.

Welp. This has, apparently, been a post.


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