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long overdue: “Take One, Leave One”

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So, for a while there I had no idea what to do or where to go with my final project, and to be quite honest, I’ve been busy.  I even meant to write this post about a week ago.  I’m not sure if hate is the right word, so I will just say that I strongly dislike open ended assignments that are important to my grade.  Some flexibility and creativity is great, but the outline for this final project is more or less “do something”.  So, yeah, brainstorming got pushed back behind tasks with concrete due dates and grading rubrics.

So, anyways, while conferencing with Martha, and talking about ideas, it struck me– “Take One, Leave One”.  That is, take an assignment from the site (out of any of the categories: Visual, Design, Audio, Web, Writing, Video, Mashup, Fanfic), and then leave (submit) an assignment into any of the categories, once per week, for the rest of the semester.

Completing assignments is probably going to be the easy part.  Thinking up creative prompts sounds a little more tough.

So, anyways, here are a few guidelines that I’ve thought up:

I will try and do other people’s submitted assignments before I do my own (unless I think my idea is really cool)

I will try to create assignments and finish assignments in more than one category

I will try and explain my thought process when either taking/leaving and explain how I did what I did..or thought of what I thought of.

There it is, the much belated first post on my final project.

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