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Final Project Part 1

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So for my final project I am learning to play the guitar and documenting my process.  I haven’t really  made very much progress yet, so for now I’m letting you all get a little glimpse of my guitar.  As you can see, it’s not very new.  My guitar was actually my mom’s in the 1970′s when she was a teenager.  Mom said I could have her guitar so that I could start to learn so I brought it straight down to Fred!  I think my favorite part about my guitar is not that 70′s music I found inside or the fact that it was my mom’s, but I really like the decorations on the case (which is why I picked this picture to upload).  A few people who have seen my guitar have even asked if I decorated it because it resembles me so much.  Everybody always tells me that I am exactly like my mom (which I am, I’ll admit it); I love that even though she decorated the case when she first had the guitar, it still reflects me 40 years later!


That’s it for now everyone.  I have to run off to a meeting.  Listen up for some pretty mediocre recordings of my playing in the future!

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