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The First Hiccup

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So I download VLC player. I pressed the record and I unpressed the record button. Turns out VLC files go directly to the video folder, but there they were. I had recorded three clips from the last episode of the first season of Supernatural. I look at the various sources given to us yesterday trying to figure out what I needed to do next. I download Microsoft Expressions (which is the new version of Windows Encoder) trying to get the video ready to be used in Windows Live Movie Maker. It doesn’t work. I download Handbrake and do the same thing, putting it to the setting suggested by Galago. I encode the clip. I try and open it in Window Movie Maker. It doesn’t work. I try multiple variations on that, panicking that while I would be able to record the clips I wouldn’t be able to string them together. After about twenty minutes of panicking I try something very simple. I put Handbrake back to it’s original settings (which is regular), encode the clip and open it Windows Movie Maker. And it works. I stop panicking and realize that despite the scare mongering done by Mr. Rush and Prof. Groom this assignment isn’t going to be quite as evil as it could be. Tomorrow I write half of my senior thesis and record clips from Bright Young Things. Now to figure out how to do a voice over on my computer so I don’t have to try and fit going to the DuPont lab and do the voice over there into my schedule. And if I can’t do the VO on Windows Movie Maker I know what I’m doing between 4 and 5pm and then 6 and 6:30pm on Wednesday.

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