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Relay for Life

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So this past weekend was a huge event (in my world) here at MaryWash…Relay for Life was held on Saturday from 3 pm – 3 am.  For those of you who don’t know, Relay for life is a 12 hour event to raise money for the American Cancer Society to help fund cancer research!  Fundraising goes on before the event as well as at the event, but the event isn’t just about fundraising.  We have tons of fun!  We played games including a pong tournament, had a drag show, insane scavenger hunt, pancake eating contest, etc.  Anyways, it’s tons and tons of fun!  We also had guest speakers including President Hurley and his wife Mrs. Rose Hurley, who for those of you who don’t know, is a cancer survivor!

I was on the planning committee for Relay this year, so instead of being at the event at 3 pm, I got there at 9 am and stayed until 4:30 am!  It was a long, long, long day, but it was absolutely amazing!  This year, I raised $1,805!  Our goal for the entire event was $50,000, but we blew that goal outta the water. Drumroll please……



We raised over $68,000!!!! How amazing is that!!!!!

So I just wanted to share that with everyone because I think Relay is one of the greatest events ever!  The money that we raise is really saving lives.  Mrs. Hurley told us that the medicine that helped save her life was a new medicine on the market that was funded through money raised at events such as Relay!  How great is that?!  Sooooo if you’ve never done Relay before, you should all do it next year because it’s awesome!

Relay for Life on PhotoPeach

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