So, I got permission to change my final project!
The reason behind the change was because I really did not have much of a final comic idea/IĀ neglected that whole comic thing.
AND What I didn’t realize was about a month ago, 3/31/2011 to be exact, I started a tumblr. I’ve always kind of wanted to start one but never actually did. I tended to just look at a bunch of peoples tumblrs anonymously, saving images I liked (been doing that for a year). Anyways, in class when we learned how to make gifs I realized that’s what I could do on tumblr. So, after a while, I finally decided to start my own Tumblr primarily used to post my own gifs. I think one of theĀ reasonsĀ that helped me decide to start was because I started watching movies and I could see all the possible gifs to me made from them (it’s probably a problem).Ā So, I’ve basically been having fun just making tons of gifs from things I like and I just realized, yesterday, that I put WAY more hours and effort into this tumblr than my comics. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier maybe because I didn’t look at Tumblr as work because its literally what I did to procrastinate on my actual work So this is now my final project!
Here’s my link:
I basically make gifs from my dvds (Pinnacle) or from even on Youtube (bender converter). I plan on making a tutorial to show an example which will be seen here. You definitely need Photoshop if you want to make gifs with more than 12 frames. I mean mine are no where as good as iwdrm but I’m learning.
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