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The Future of The Ruckus

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After much deliberation, I’ve decided to keep my blog as is. Over the semester, I haven’t been very good about blogging my thoughts or opinions. Mostly I’ve just submitted assignments for ds106. Well, I’m about to enter the “real world,” and I’m not really sure what I’m going to be doing, except that my life is about the change a lot. I want to use this blog to talk about the sort of things that I’m doing at the time, and what my plans are. Since I haven’t really talked about myself at all on this blog, here are a few things about me:

I’m a senior, about to graduate with a degree in geology. After graduation, I’m hoping to get some sort of outside job – hopefully something related to geology, but I’m not that picky. Mostly, I just want to not be in class, get dirty working outside, and come home tired. My favorite jobs have been the ones where I get to work outside, and it’s what I miss most when I’m in school. Right now, I don’t really have any idea what this job is going to be, but I’m confident that something will come up.

I’m going to use this blog to talk about where I end up going from this point, the things I’ve learned, and the things I hope to learn. Hopefully, the next phase of my life will be as much of an adventure as have the last 4 years.

Until the next post, rest assured that I will be bringing the ruckus.

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