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Week Two Choices

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One of our weekend DS106 assignments was to look through the visual and design assignments and choose four that we would like to work on in the coming week.  Here are my selections:

Common Everyday Object: This assignment asks that I take a picture of a common everyday object and manipulate the colors.  I thought this sounded fairly simple.  How much trouble can I possibly get into with this?  A good get your feet wet first project.

Stranger Portraits: This assignment requires that I take a photo of a stranger every day for the next seven days and upload it with some information about the subject.    This sounds like a good storytelling opportunity to me.  I don’t know if I should unite the photos in a theme or shoot randomly.

The Little Caption: Here is an opportunity to satisfy a yet unfulfilled wish to collaborate with an visual artist.  You bring the picture, I’ll bring the words.

Say It Like Peanut Butter:      I really enjoyed the examples of this I saw at the DS106 site.  I loved seeing how the smallest movements within a larger context can capture the eye, add texture and really “say” something.

Looks like week two will be a busy week.

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