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I can’t remember when I have had so much fun in a class.  It’s inexplicable, really, given how slow I am at all of this technology business.  It is such a struggle.  Yet, when I finally get something right, the reward is tremendous.  There is so much one can do with these storytelling tools.

I have a very fertile imagination and have always been stymied by not having a creative medium to work with.  I have great compositions in my head, but can not play an instrument or write a score.  I see beautiful images in my mind, but can not transfer them to paper or canvas.  This is different, though.  I am finding digital storytelling lends itself to all kinds of expression.  I can express myself visually, even though I can not paint.  And I can master sound without playing a note.  Oh, my!  What fun!

Our DS Radio assignment was to come up with a five minute segment for a one hour program.  The only guidance we were given was the connective theme: The Dog Days of Summer.  It took me a minute to figure out what to do with such a loose theme.  My thinking process went something like this.  “The dog days of summer… Well it’s hot. Huummm.  What else is hot?  Hell is hot.  A kitchen is hot.  Hot. Hot. Pot.  Oh!”   All of a sudden I recalled a very funny tune by the Mighty Sparrow–Witchdoctor.  Before I knew it I had a storyline compelling enough to keep a woman cooking in a hot kitchen on a hot afternoon.  Once that was done, I had to insert myself into the story and become my character. I had to hear what she is hearing so that I could choose the sound effects.  I had to feel what she is feeling so that I could deliver the narrative.  That’s all I am going to say about Callaloo for now.  Hopefully, I’ll get the mechanics worked out and have it turned in by Sunday so that it can take its place with all the other DS106 stories.  I can’t wait to hear all of yours.

Well it’s two days after the deadline and I finally have my segment ready for you to listen to.  I had to drop the music because the monologue itself was five minutes long.  Never mind.  I think you’ll get the point.  Hope you’ll enjoy this tale of madness in the Dog Days of Summer.







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