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Overheard recordings

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Our episode listen of TAL for this week, ‘Recordings for Someone,’ definitely seems a little like eavesdropping to me, but really shows the dramatic value of these recordings. Some of these seem to push the limit in intruding on someone’s personal life.
The first act at least was one that was broadcast by the recipient, but I wonder how his mother first felt when she heard that this was shared. At this point it seems like she is resigned to the fact that several thousand people have listened to her say that about him and the Little Mermaid, which is indeed radio gold.
In the third act you get this tremendous sense of intimacy with the Sergeant. While there would be so much recorded, this develops such a atmosphere of what they were experienced, without the filter that was there for the second act. You can see how people really made the recordings was a tremendously personal experience that can be shared with other listeners.
Great listen.

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