Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.


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This is my final assignment for DS106. The assignment was to come up with an ad campaign for DS106. I started with my own feelings about DS106. I came into the class thinking that maybe I was too old to be involved with the web. But as I worked on projects and began to see how the techniques could be applied to so many useful and creative ends, I saw that the nature of the web is such that one can dip into it and take as much or as little as one needs or can use. I see how these story telling skills can enrich anyone’s life, and I understand that the time is coming when digital literacy will be expected of an educated person.

Who can benefit from DS106? Anyone! That’s why I thought to add a second thought to the DS106 slogan: DS106 For Life. For life, yes, but also for everyone. I remember the Levy’s Bread ad campaign from the ’60s. It took “Jewish” bread and put it in the hands and mouths of every demographic group in New York City. I would like to do the same for DS106. It is not just for young people; it is for everyone. That said, I hope that the Administration of the University of Mary Washington will take a serious look at DS106 and understand the importance of the course to UMW students. It would be a beautiful thing if the administration decided to get out ahead of the curve and set the pace for the community of educators. I believe that DS106 should be a required class for all UMW students. The skills learned in DS106 would enhance their work in whatever discipline they would choose to pursue. 

I’m so glad that I took this class.  Thank you, Martha for your help and patience.  DS106 FOR LIFE!!!  FOR EVERYONE!!!

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