Every good soldier of art knows the advantage of a good battle strategy.
So, here is a list (subject to amendment) of the visual assignments I plan on doing:
- “Averaging Concepts Using Flickr” — Take a concept, one word, and plug it into Flickr and take the first 50 images and average them using Photoshop or similar program. Step by step instructions available at http://is.gd/ku3UF
- “Adapt An Artist’s Work” — Adapt a famous artist’s work to change or reinforce its possible message.
- “A Change of Emotion (In 2 Panels)” — Write and illustrate (photograph, sketch, video sample, etc) a two panel story that describes a change of emotion. For example. Panel 1: A man receives some suprising news about a loved one. Panel 2: He is deeply saddened. Panels can contain simple captions or annotation. Extra points if the emotional change is a ‘mixed emotion’.
- “Deliberate Photo Scavenger Hunt” — This assignment is adapted from Professor Jacob Urbanski’s Scavenger Hunt assignment for beginning art students. He provided a list of abstract terms/ concepts that his students were supposed to get shots for. Let’s do this, but let’s do it with a twist. Think about the photos you want to take- don’t just stumble into them. Set them up, choose the lighting, make some kind of decision regarding the shots. At the end, blog about the choices you made and how these choices either made a good photo or a bad one. Tag your photos “ds106″ and “scavengerhunt”. You can find the list of terms here: http://blog.houseoftheabsurd.net/archives/189
- “Pixel Art Stories” — Find appropriately licensed pixel art tiles. Assemble your finds into images, creating a sequence of five, to tell a story without words.
And, of course, the Missing Persons poster for Dr. Oblivion.
I’ve posted 5 visual assignments so that I have an extra option in case I feel moody on a particular day.
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