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Dr. Oblivion is missing

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Dr. Oblivion has gone missing. Please help to return him home safely.
Dr Obliviion on a milk carton

I made this image, simply by:

Deciding to use the idea of a missing person on a milk carton. I then set about Googling and downloading an image of a carton (something relatively plain) and took a screen grab of an image of Dr. Oblivion from one of the course videos.

I then created my image using GIMP:

  • First I edited the carton image to remove any previous text and images using the Select Tool and Bucket Tool.
  • I then opened the Dr Oblivion grab image and used the Lasso Tool to select around his head; and used Copy and Paste Into to add him onto the carton.   I cleaned up (not very well) the outline of his profile, with the Paint Bush Tool. I know there are better ways to do this, but I wasn’t aiming for perfection.
  • I then used the Text Tool to create the text.
  • Finally, I had to Flatten Layers, Scale Image and Saved As … and voila.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve used my ‘photoshop’ skills, which was fun. I do wish there was a Mac native version of GIMP. Using it under X11 is very awkward and clunky.

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