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Cyberspace, My 2 cents

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I never ended up commenting on Gardner Campbell and Kirby Ferguson’s work’s like we were supposed to for our first assignment, so I figured I would briefly include my 2 cents. 

On one hand, I certainly agree with Campbell’s term “digital facelift” in describing society pretending to be digital savoy, when they are not even exploring the capabilities of digital space.  Teachers using blackboard sparingly to post assignments and students messing around with Facebook to check on cute girls in their classes is all well and good, but it doesn’t tap into ones digital life like Campbell explains.

Yes I agree that this needs to happen, because one defines them-self through their relationships and interactions with others.  If the media changes these interactions, then it is important that students explore how the digital world and their digital identity relates to one’s physical existence.  Where I disagree with Campbell is that I think this step is inevitable.  I think that the world of digital communication is just beginning to dominate our culture.  As this trend continues, teachers will become the generation that was socially forced to use Facebook in high school and the technological bar will continue to be raised of their students.  Just as sure as it was that Ford was to figure out mass production, the evolution of technology education will demand youth to create digitally.

I feel that teachers like Wesch will become more abundant and the internet will creep into the lives of children at the earliest of ages.  As Wesch states, this will require more monitoring and new constraints regarding access, but it will give people more power.  This week alone I have taught myself how to fry a fish and fix my lawnmower with a screwdriver, each in 5 minutes using the internet.  In this sense I consider myself knowledge-able and have much hope for the future.  Who knows what’s next?

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