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Kirby Ferguson’s “Everything is a Remix Part 3” video was really interesting and put into perspective the fact there are no ideas that are truly original. Famous men such as Henry Ford and Thomas Edison who are known for their technological contributions cannot take credit for coming up with the original ideas.

Many successful products are the result of trial and error. Although one idea may not work for one individual, another individual may take that same idea and create something amazing. Despite what society wants us to think, being unoriginal does not mean we are uncreative. Creativity is reflected in how an individual takes an existing idea and modifies it in a way that makes it his or her own.

In the context of this course, we are not the first individuals to attempt these various assignments. The projects we are assigned have all been created or completed previously by other ds106 participants. This does not stop us from being creative. Although we uses the same prompt, the same starting point, for our projects we all individually produce vastly different results. We may use the same materials and draw from the same tutorials but the final products always vary from one individual to the next. In addition to this, no two individuals are going to reflect on their project the same way. Even if two classmates were to end up with identical projects, their experiences cannot be replicated.

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