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Design Assignment – On This Day

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First after some looking around on the internet I came across a site that writes any word you want in the google font (which I now think is called Catuller?) and typed in my name and kept hitting create until it gave a random sequence of colors I liked. I found loads of events/births/deaths that happened on my b-day (Feb 12) on the wiki page of that date: and picked 4 of those to incorporate into the pic of my name. The gun (Abraham Lincoln getting shot) came from thenounproject, which was confusing at first as apparently all of the icons download as svg files but can be converted to jpeg’s using GIMP as someone noted in their blog post. The other 3 pics all came from google images. I finally got photoshop working to put this together which made fitting the Darwin pic inside the “d” easier among many other things, I just like photoshop ssoo much more than the other similar programs I’ve tried it seems a lot more organized and each layer feels much more easily managed; all of the tools just feel easier to use but probs just because I have a little more experience with it (still not very much).

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