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Web Assignment Challenges I

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There’s difficulty with adding entire sections of code into FireBug.  I’ve tried editing the htm file with NotePad++.  That didn’t go over so well…The code was a disaster zone, so forget adding the tag section there.

Anyway, I followed my current adventure in Final Fantasy IV DS by modding an Amazon page for some elven twin-dagger set.  I decided to turn it into a twin dagger set for black mages, sold by the Mysidian Weapon Shoppe — Just a bit of 8-bit Theater memories coming up here for me.

As I continued, I found the video for the assigment after I got really knee deep into it…hooray.

As for the hacked site’s functionality, there really isn’t much I can link to, so there’s not too much point in creating a page on my blog from the html code.  Oh well.  If it’s a part of the assignment, I’ll do it.

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