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Video Assignment – Movie Trailer Mashup

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Definitely a fun one to try, I used the fastest Youtube Downloader Andy talked about on the 7-14 vid to download the 300 and Elf trailers from youtube and convert them to mp4′s. Not sure if I even had to because at first I was trying windows movie maker and I tried loads of different filetypes (converting the vids to) but it rejected everything because it claimed I didn’t have the right codecs to play the vids on my comp. So then I downloaded the free trial of Sony Vegas Pro 10.0 and imported the mp4′s. Using the video and audio tracks from 300, and the audio track from Elf, I edited them together, going back and forth between audio tracks (ended up having 13 different tracks, each containing a snippet of one of the audios, and one with the video). Also tried out the fade offset to fade in/out different sounds a little. After finishing just rendered it as an mp4 (tried avi at first, but the file ended up being ~400 mb) and uploaded it to youtube.

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