My name is Irum Malik. I have been attending York since Fall 2008. I am here with class. Basically studying Communication Technology and this class is like an intro to this Major, so that we have a community to share our creative ideas with and getting involved with people like us.
I am heading toward the film production studies and I have a passion for producing creative and deep films (‘m not sure what deep is,lol) . I have had this passion with film making ever since I did my internship at EVC (Educational Video Center) in 2007. In High School I finished my documentary called “Faces Of Food”, which discuss the issue of nutritions and food that we consume. Another documentary I did with EVC is called “The War Within” that focused on depression in youth of color. I worked at MNN ( Manhattan Neighborhood Network) where I helped peers with video making. I have done PSA (public service announcements with Adobe flash reader. I dream to become a filmmaker and teach media. I am hopeful and lookind forward to acheive my goals, one at a time.
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