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#ds106radio #4life

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Today, while listening to the unveiling of a song by Bryan Jackson entitled Radio Makes It Easier To Miss Your Friends (or some title involving any or all of those words), I most definitely teared up and laughed out loud in the span of 3 minutes. Everything about the song was absolutely perfect and I think it speaks to the community or rather family that is ds106 radio. Trying to share my thoughts on the group of people that makes this community is what I had running around my mind for the topic of this blog post so we’ll see how well I can articulate my thoughts.

The ds106 radio family is unlike any other community I have considered myself a part of. Everyone is so welcoming and there really is no such thing as an outsider of the group. Every individual person brings their own work, their own story and their own broadcasts into the mix and it is so awesome to watch all of this happen around me. On my other blog that I decided to retire, I posted an incredible experience that I had with ds106 radio and the connectedness it creates. Since then, I’ve had a few more months in the community and it not only turned into not only a place where cool things happen but a true little internet family. It’s a place where you are welcomed with open arms, where people know peculiar little facts about you and where there’s always someone who is genuinely interested in what you are up to and the stories you have to tell.

One thing I have to say in this blog post is a particular relationship I’ve developed with two of my ds106 radio sisters: GNA and Giulia. Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love everyone in the family but lately I have been talking to these two incredible individuals quite a bit and it has been wonderful. GNA has given me amazing advice, empowered me to take control of my education, shared beautiful music with me and opened up to me and the radio folk with so much honesty that I can only say I am in awe of who she is. GNA, your crybabycast was in all honesty something that made me realize how important ds106 radio is. Giulia is so supportive of everything I do (and everyone else does), she is so open on the radio, creates a sense of family and community for us all and can just talk to us about anything that comes up. What is most astounding about this to me is that I have never met them. They live hours away from me and I think it is so incredible that a small radio station can create these kinds of relationships.

Singular relationships aside, ds106 radio has created an incredible community that has taught me so much about myself and I think that like GNA always says, at this time in my life it was a very important thing to have. I know that I share this with my online community a lot but it cannot be said enough: #ds106radio #4LIFE

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