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I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I Can…..Nope I Think I Can’t

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The Little Engine That Could

Since it’s mandatory to blog for the class I mind as well vent my frustrations here. Otherwise the world would not know what I’m going through because I prefer to keep my problems to myself. I feel like I made a mistake taking this CT101 class. I am not getting any of this stuff and its starting to piss me off. Okay correction, I did do some things right and let me explain:

I had to purchase a domain from I was told not to use their hosting service. Instead, I purchased the hosting service from I then went to to manage my gravatars. The digital storytelling platform Mike Smith has us doing is great. We even do a bit of photojournalism through a website called I set up a account to contribute to daily shoot. 

My only problem arose when I tried to sync my blog with twitter and the ds106 website we use as part of the curriculum. While I am having a fun time discovering I am also confused when I try to do something and it does not work.

I feel like a dunce and if I do not get at least a B in this class my minor in CT can bite the damn dust. I tried using to sync my blog with twitter and it did not work out. I am starting to get very frustrated. I have not been added to ds106 so I don’t know if I even did that right. Yes I registered but who the hell knows. I am taking five classes and the last thing I need is for anything not to work out. Yes I was happy at first because this class is very different from any class I ever taken. I do not mind being active in the cyber world because computers are a major part of my life as a student. However all this mechanical and technical stuff is taking a toll on my brain. I am not a computer genius by any means. I only know the obvious. Anything involving source codes, hosting, and all that jazz is beyond me. I am not dropping the class for financial reasons and DAMMIT!!! I burned my damn biscuits typing this post. You see…I’m a mess…I’m all over the place….It’s okay, I’ll just make sandwich. Anyway back to this CT 101 business. I want to be successful in this class.I want to learn. I feel like I’m late in the game and should of been on the blogging bandwagon awhile ago. Now that I’m here I need to make it happen. I actually enjoy blogging. I have always heard about it but I was never interested. I want to end on a positive note by saying I’m going to keeping trying.

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