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When I’m asked to talk about myself I find it difficult, because I just don’t know where to start. Well, I guess I will start with the fact that I am a Music Major and I also am a Communications Technology Minor.

I’ve loved music my whole life. I started singing and dancing when I was five and started to learn to play the piano when I was in elementary school. Coming to York College has given me a chance to expand my knowledge on music and become a better musician for it. Hopefully one day I can share my love for music with the world.

Not only do I love music, but I also love messing around with computers and other technology, which is why I chose to have a communications tech minor under my belt. My CT 101 class is helping me learn to make my own website, which can also help me with putting out my music and all my other endeavors.

I hope I haven’t bored you too much about myself, but if I have, I can promise you that there will be more to come. :-)

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