Comments on Cambell, Gardner’s article.
In this article, Cambell discussing the importance and benefits of having a high technology in today’s world. He discussing the difficulty that people faced back in the days, to get a piece of information whereas now, its easy and available a couple of clicks away. Cambell says ” Any technology gradually creates a totally new human environment. Environments are not passive wrapping but active processes…” something really important. One can deny the revolution of tech that’s going on, but no one can deny the comfort it has and at some points, the importance of it.
Cambell ALSO talks about its importance in life of a student to express, reflect, share and grow as a person. Students use internet and all that is out there, but just like a child who sees people handling the real world, but wondering about what it is like to be in that reall world. This curiosity and having to run a website, being a part of a online community is something that can help in achieving and exploring.
I agree with Cambell’s point of views. Its like, you don’t know what food tastes like, till you don’t eat it. One would not know what it is like to have a domain name, to know that there is a community out there. An open space to learn, to teach and to get complements from. Only if you explore, and allow yourself a chance.
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