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Weekly Blog: Malware and Facebook

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How many people are using SNS?
How many people are using smartphone?

Do you have smartphone?(or I-phone?)
I am using smartphone!!

Nowadays, most of smartphone users are using SNS with their phone.
Please look at this graph below.

According to this graph, many i-Phone and Smartphone users have facebook account.
Facebook is really famous and common SNS in the world.
I know almost TUJ students have the account, and use facebook for communicating with their friends.
However, facebook is really dangerous because your individual information might leak out in Internet.
Let’s try how facebook is dangerous.
?Search your facebook name+facebook by google

?Click “search”, and you can see how facebook is dangerous!!
That is my account of facebook!!Oh My God!!
I also tried to find some of my classmates’ facebook account.

I put some students name who could found their account in Internet.
However, some of my friends are not comfortable to see their name on this post.
sorry guys :(

It was so easy to find my friends’ facebook account in Internet.
There are many kinds of Malwares of facebook.
The Malware takes off your information from facebook!!
Facebook mentioned before, the number that login by account takeover occupied 0.06% among the login numbers to Facebook was released. 
It was indicated that it became the calculation by which account of 600,000 affairs is captured every day also about the number of 0.06% in login by account takeover. 
Wow, 600.000!!!!
however, have you ever think about facebook application for smartphone?
as I mentioned begining of this post, many people already have used facebook by smartphone.
Smartphone is like little PC, and it has many individual information.
If someone makes a malware for facebook application of smartphone, can you imagine what is going happen?
The malware will take all of your individual information from your phone.
Your individual information will leak out all of the world, and some bad people might use it.
Be careful who are using smartphone!!
There is many way to spread out malwares!! Not only application.
Most common way is spam-mail.
Do not click any URL on that kinds of mails!! It might be malware and/or virus for smartphone.
You can protect your information by some security applications for smartphone!!
Info Protector(Japanese)
McAfee(Not Free software)

Question for Final Exam
Q:What is the possible problem when smartphone/i-phone catches a malware?
?The malware will take all of your individual information
?Your phone background is forcibly set-upped picture of Hitler
?Your phone will transform Ultraman
?Nothing happens

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