Sometimes we look for something to inspire us. Words, phrases, or objects. Motivational posters have been around for a while. But not until recently have we begun to see DE motivational posters. These are posters that are completely the opposite. They are in most cases just a way to poke fun at motivational posters, but some can also be kind of “bad” as in they can be a bit taboo. But for the most part these are posters that are done with humor in mind.
These pictures can take an already funny picture and put a twist on it or change the meaning of the picture. These are a way sometimes still a motivational poster since it brings humor to the person who is seeing it. they are something I?always look forward to seeing if its a new one, but I?always enjoy looking at a few that I?know well for a good laugh when I?need it. Usually a great source for a large collection of these is youtube. But, sometimes these posters can be very insulting or go past the limits of taste. So with all of these there will always be some good and some bad. I?try to enjoy the good.
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