Picture from this site
Things that seem to be very apparent today with the new age of the computers and the access that is not available to the internet, provides many people with the tools to look at politics and express what they want to say much more easily than before. But with this access there are also people that have access to it, but use it in much more different ways. Some of these ways are in attacks to peoples computers or electronic devices. With the use of Malware, people are able to get into or directly attack a persons information, without exposing themselves directly to the person who is getting attacked. The most famous example of this was with SONY. This is currently one of the most publicized attacks that has been done in recent years. After the attack on SONYs Playstation Network, which is a online store of sorts that sells electronic data in the form of media such as games and videos. This attack exposed the information, such as addresses and credit card information.
picture used from this site. This was a huge breach in the privacy for its customers. Despite the fact that SONY is such a large corporation, it was not able to keep at bay a small group of people from by passing every means of security that had been set in place to keep people out of these things. When this happened, many of the customers that had been using their services were of course extremely upset when they had been made aware that their information had been made public. Knowing that you are now being spied on, because an unknown amount of people might now possibly have information of yours that could be used in a bad way, has to be something that they would worry about a lot. Because these types of things are performed by a faceless identity, it can be difficult to find the people that are responsible. As was stated in this article SONY stated “it did not know who was responsible for the attacks”.
As was said in this article privacy is something important. I feel that if you can be sure of your privacy there is not really a need to have some form of protection if you be assured you have any to begin with. While we do try to keep our information private, we have to realize that with so much malware out there it can be difficult to keep that privacy. After having been completely exposed SONY now had its customers worry about such attacks from malware. Sony was also not the only company that had suffered a attack though. Other attacks happen from malware and it is something that is not very uncommon to happen. Two major attacks happened in Japan that could be of a very serious nature.
picture from this site.
As was noted in this article a breach of nuclear security had been made when a warplane and nuclear plant had been victims of a cyber attack. Similarly, the Japanese government had been attacked as was noted in this article. These are incredibly dangerous situations and are things that are of national security. So serious that the Japanese parliament had said. “The Japanese government is already furious with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for taking over a month to reveal the hacking attack. It had threatened to penalise the company and might be even more inclined to do so now that some of its confidential military information has been exposed.” –source–
I feel that these two things, privacy and malware go hand in hand since they are in fact both needed to work together in order for them to be used. Without privacy there is no need for malware and there would be no malware if there was not privacy. These can be things that are serious for those that are affected and even those people who might be accused of doing such things. This seems to be something that will not be changing for a while and is something that we will have to deal with and monitor closely. Hopefully, things never go out of control, because as was shown in the last article, the information that can be had, can be information that can affect the lives of many and make a difficult time for an entire country.
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