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Looks like I’ve made it…

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Look how far I’ve come now, baby.

So, my class blog is finally up and running. Technologically, I think that I am using WordPress as a third party provider for a subdomain that is using a section of the server that’s hosting my domain. So, the domain connects to the server of the web-host which looks for the what domain name is being used.  It then connects to WordPress’s server once it realizes “class” is before my main domain…? I think, I’m not sure.  I do know that the interwebs like to take their time.  I started connecting to ds106 on Tuesday so each part-the domain, web-host, and blog each took about 24 hours to go back and forth and finally connect.  Logging in and creating everything was much simpler than I thought.  The steps were pretty precise on the different sites I used (hover and cast-iron coding).

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