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Gardner Campbell- A Personal Cyberinfrastructure/No Digital Facelifts

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A Personal Cyberinfrastructure

Mr. Campbell seems to have a strong opinion on today’s world and their views on Technology. According to Mr. Campbell teachers should take the lead in helping their students to become more creative and proactive in their thinking when it comes to technology because as we all know, we live in a world where technology is always changing and many people can’t adjust to this new age because we always depend on people to guide us through the new innovations of today. I think Mr. Campbell brought up a lot of good points to prove that as a whole we are not creative enough after we leave school its like we don’t know what to do with our knowledge of what we were taught because we take everything for granted and always expects to be spoon feed like we are babies and do not take the inactive to learn or do things on our own so as technology changes a lot of us will stay behind because we don’t have the drive or knowledge to change with it.  Also I agree with his comment that if we are not given the freedom to experiment with cyber-infrastructure we would be left behind when everything turns to technology we will then struggle through life, and life as we know will be over because we wouldn’t be able to work or  do anything constructive.  I am happy that we are able to create and do things on our own in CT 101 this is a great platform for students to not only rely on our professors but to go out there and learn how to do these things for ourselves and to share that knowledge with others.

Digital Facelifts

In this video, Mr.Campbell and Mr. Jim Groom talks about a new chip that is in production called a Milacomputer, it consumes less that 1 watt and you can put it in your pocket and it would not burn your legs.  He talks about how we live in a world fill of such wonders and people do not take full advantage of this. He made reference that it is like having a bag of gold and not knowing what to do with it or how to spend it. I loved the analogy to the alphabet and asked the audience what they wanted him to do with it, making a joke that you can write anything. He said there are three ways we can follow the digital facelifts, 1)Narration or Blogging, 2) Curating and 3) Sharing.  I like that he says these three things breed confidence not suspicion. I also loved the three levels of Openness. 1) Open to the world, 2) Open to each other, examples students communicating with a  teacher or visa versa. But the students might we scared to do this because the teacher doesn’t want to communicate with their students. 3) Open to ourselves. He said also that it is okay for students to make something and if it breaks then its okay because they are learning and they will learn how to cope and how to fix this issues on their own.  In all I enjoyed both presentations in the written form and the video on CyberInfrastructure and Digital Facelifts. I never thought about all these points that Mr. Campbell brought up, but I agree with him, since we have all these technological things to play with we should embrace it and learn so that we are not left behind as technology advance and grow in the future.

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