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Would you like to travel to the Beast’s Castle?

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For my final design assignment, I completed “Minimalist Travel Posters Based in Movies,” for 3 stars.  I choose to do the Beast’s castle from Beauty and the Beast.  I decided to portray the castle as being spooky, so this would be the castle at the beginning of the movie, before Belle discovered the Beast has a sweet side.  The reason I choose to make the castle spooky is because no one wanted to go to the castle and give the beast a chance.  The people decided they were going to stay away because they judged the beast by his looks.  So I wanted to give the idea that you can’t “judge the castle/beast by their looks,” because if you have seen the movie you know that the Beast turns out to be a wonderful person! Also, I thought for a minimalist poster, a spooky castle would be portrayed better.

To complete this assignment, I used Google and Photoshop. I found an image of the castle online, saved it and opened it in Photoshop.  I then changed it from color to gray by adjusting the color scheme, using image, mode, RGB color.  I then had to use the Pen Tool to cut the castle out from the picture.  I used the Refine Edge tool to make the edges less jagged, I shifted the edges and feathered them a tiny bit.  I then cut the castle form the page.  I opened a new page and made the page black.  Then I pasted my gray castle into the page and used the Move Tool to position it into the correct spot.  Once there, I decided to add some lightening to add just a little more spookiness, so again I Googled an image of lightning.  I save the image and opened it into a new window in Photoshop.  I used the the crop tool to crop one lightning bolt from the picture then cut and pasted it into the castle page.  I rotated it until it was pointing diagonally so I could make it look like it was coming from the corner.  Then I went to image, adjustments, shadows/highlights.  I decreased the shadow amount.  Then I adjusted the color of the background around the lightning to match the black background of the castle.  Lastly, what’s a poster with out words.  So I Googled quotes from the movie and found “the beast concealed himself inside his castle” and copied and pasted it into a text box.  I made the font color gray.  I changed the font to make it look spooky to match the tone I was trying to convey.  All of this together, created the image below. Enjoy!





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