Monday (2/13/12) – Take a photo of a food being eaten in an unconventional way. This is yogurt being slurped up a straw. I don’t even want to talk about it.
Tuesday (2/14/12)- Take a photo of a toy in action. Toys change as we get older. I played with Barbies until I was in the 7th grade, and now I play on my computer. With the advancement of cell phones, I consider them a toy. I love angry birds. This is a picture I got of my roomie on her phone, aka playing with a toy.
Wednesday (2/15/12) – Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. In hindsight, I think I was having a brain fart when I took this picture. These are post-its. I don’t feel like a baby or a mom, but I think I am reaching a point that I am closer to being the age of a mom than a baby. I think it’s all relavent. When I was 18/19 I worked at a preschool. The kids would ask me how old I was and I would make them guess before I would tell them. They all thought I was in my 30′s (mean age = 34) and they asked me where my baby was. That’s what was going through my head when taking this photo.
Thursday (2/16/12) – Take a photo of a bird today. This is a photo of a photo that I took a little while ago, but I really like it. This is in Virginia Beach (Sandbridge Beach) . I found that there was something natural and peaceful about the bird’s body, and the beach setting, too. I’m just a fan of this photo.
Friday (2/17/12) – Take a photo of someone else’s artwork in an interesting way to make it yours. I took this photo in Blackstone Coffee, while working on another DS106 assignment :P . I really liked the colors the artist used and the way that it was very abstract. I never used to like abstract artwork, but it’s kind of growing on me. To the artist of this fine painting – if you are reading this, I apologize for not giving you proper credit. I will do so after I go in the shop again and get your business card.
Saturday (2/18/12) – take a photo of your most prized possession. This would have to be my Mac. It has a lot of important information on, a lot of pictures and sentimental value, and it and it connects me to a lot of people that I love. It’s also the second most expensive thing I own, so I would be pretty sad if it broke, became damaged, went missing, or got stolen.
Sunday (2/19/12) – Take a photo that represents your current job or a job that you once had. This is a picture of the family that I work with. I am an ABA therapist and personal attendent for an amazing little girl who happens to have Rett Syndrome. The job is unbelievably rewarding and in many ways peaceful.
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