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Week 5 Daily Create Roundup

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Dear god, what a busy week this has been.  Tons of design assignments and tons of daily creates and tons of papers and reading.  First off got the week started with the food being served or eaten in an unconventional way.

Food served unusually

Next was a toy in action.

Toy in Action

Followed by something to represent how old we felt. This has been a busy week so I still feel like a boy but very, very old. Hence the DVD.

How old I feel

Next came the picture of the bird. The bird was hard to grab since it was raining that day so I just made due with a shadow bird.

Shadow bird

After the bird was a picture of art. I took a picture of the poster for Opeth’s album Heritage that is hanging on the wall of my apartment because it looks cool.

Art work

A prized possession came next. Most of my most prized possession I leave at home while I’m at school so instead I took a photo of my laptop.

prized possession

We had to take a photo to represent our current job or an old job. I’m in an internship with a Regional Budget Analyst learning finance and use excel heavily so I took a picture of excel up on my computer. I should have just taken a picture of me banging my head against a table because it would have represented it just as well.

current internship

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