1. Using your voice as the only instrument, create a recording of a verse and or chorus from your favorite song.
if you don’t love Adele’s someone like you, hmm then you are not human! I finally got a chance to sing the chorus and this is my version of it. Enjoy!
I recorded my voice onto audacity and since I am very smart, I thought it wise to disguise my voice using the echo effect that audacity offers, and then I saved it as a WAV for easy upload onto Soundcloud.
2.Where did my name come from?
My full name is Abigail Maame Akua Boaduwa Yirrah, Origin of name? Ghana-West Africa
Abigail- Fathers joy, wisest woman in the Bible
Maame- Generic name, meaning mother
Akua- Means I was born on a wednesday
Boaduwa- Royal name, named after my grandmother and mum
Yirrah-Means “lost” in Twi.
3. My favorite weather? Isnt that obvious?
Riddle, riddle riddle, what kind of weather allows you to talk around in a bikini, flaunt your God-given curves, show off your toned tummy and apply sun screen on your dark chocolatey skin? Answer- SUMMER!
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