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Today is the last day of this class, so I’m going to talk about this class.

(But I will post for my extra credit until 13th that means it is not the last one post my blog.)

When I attended this class which was the first time, I met our professor and classmates. It was my second semester so I was little bit nervous at the time. In addition, when I met Scott who is our professor in this class, it was really nice to talk and I like his lecture!!

First Section ~Pioneers’ Vision~

Actually, this section was really hard for me because I’ve never made my own blog so I did not know about how to make a link and tags and how to put images on my blog post. In addition, I’ve never used Twitter, GIMP, and Flicker so I had to have many accounts for me at the same time. Sometime, I could not log in my page so it made me When I did ds106, I took whole day for one ds106 which was not creative. Moreover, I did not have much skill of editing images so I could not get high score in this section.

Second Section ~State of the Net~

We started posting daily create. I did post almost every day because I like taking pictures so it was easy to take picture and post on my blog. It was really fun for me. In this section, I could use GIMP as natural and it made me happy;)

Third Section ~Fear and Loathing Online~

This section, I did post more than requirement so I finally got full points for this section. I did not use much time like whole day in the first section. I was really glad that I improved my editing skill. In addition, we did the presentation for few contents. It was good opportunities to talk and share some comments with my classmates.

Forth Section ~Surfin’ on Sunshine~

The last section that I did little bit before was really curious part for me. I am not good at using computers and I do not have enough knowledge about technology but I can imagine what is going on in the future by watching Bryan Alexander’s lecture.

Through doing four sections, all I want to say is that I can get opportunities to know about the internet and I can know how to make many kinds of blog post. I am really appreciating Scott Lockman. As I mentioned in my first blog post, this class was challenging class for me because of lack of knowledge with the internet. Actually, it was hard but it was fun instead. I’m glad that I could attend and joined his class.

Thank you so much Scott and my lovely classmates.

Images by Google Image

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