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Consumer Mashup

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Assignment: Think of anyplace you spend money, and what you most often buy at that place. Then redesign their logo to incorporate your favorite product. Do as many as you want.

Target is well known for being that place that you go in for one thing, and come out spending too much money.  I hate it and I love it. [But I mostly love it.] I end up going to target to buy something like, toilet paper or almond milk, and I end up walking through the women’s section and get all flustered because of how pretty everything is.  What really gets me is the sales section, because there are lots of pretty things, and they are inexpensive.  When I saw this assignment, it was a no brainer.  Target takes so much of my money.  I spend money on all sorts of things – foods, stationary, school supplies, cliff bars, shampoo and conditioner, and clothes.  I think I spend the most money on clothes, but I think it’s because everything else is slightly cheaper.  So in my logo for Target, I am incorporating the original Target logo, and I have placed women’s clothes under the target.  I got the Target logo from here, and the clothing from here.

I created this by uploading both photos into Photoshop.  I put the target as the top layer, and the clothes as a layer underneath.  I deleted the white part of the target, and it let the picture of clothes come through where the target was once located.

I was relieved to do an assignment that didn’t involved editing video or audio.

Assignment worth 2 stars.

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