Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92924 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.


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Running down items needing to be done:

  • Schedule a 30 minute block of time to review your ds106 portfolio Between Monday April 30 and Friday, May 4. Use this wiki page to schedule a time. IF YOU DO NOT MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, YOU CANNOT PASS THIS CLASS. Is that clear?

Scheduled my meeting in the last slot open on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

  • Organize your blog to be able to show Assignments by type, examples of course participating, daily creates, tutorials written (4), assignments created (4), best of work.

My blog is now organized fully by type featuring a drop down menu on the home page and an assignments page detailing: Audio, Best of, Comments, Design, DS106 thoughts, Original Assignments, Remix, Tutorials, Video and Visual.

  • Archiving Your Blog
    • You are required to create a backup on UMW Blogs. We will go over the export/import process in class on Tuesday (and I will make sure their is a video as well for online folks). We will be creating a holding spot for your work on UMW Blogs that will be using your domain as the blog’s name.
    • Edit Your profile on the site to indicate the URL for your UMW archive blog.
    • Indicate the future of your blog: Will you be keeping it? Letting it go? Would you like to migrate to Hippie Hosting service and receive free webhosting indefinitely? WHAT A DEAL! Details of this offer can be found here —and the coupon code is ds106is4life

I have created my archived UMW blog at and have added it to my profile on the main ds106 site. Sadly I will not be keeping my blog after this course is over.

  • Final Projects Post  This post should fully explain your project to someone not familiar with it. Suggestions to include the idea behind/inspiration behind it; what does it mean to you? what is the story? what makes it storytelling? Describe the process for the making of, including links to all source media.

I have written my final project post you can read it here:

  • Final Reflection Video Create a video wherein you reflect on the #ds106 course experience. These are items you might consider; this is not a list of questions to ask, but ones to guide you. This is your reflection.
    • Return to your original post on personal cyberinfrastructure, and write a response/update after your course experience.
    • What does storytelling mean to you now?
    • What did you gain the most from this course?
    • Talk about your best work on assignments and dailycreate- talk about why you picked them.
    • What would you say to future students about this class?
    • If you were in charge of this class, what would you change?

I have posted my final reflection video you can watch it here:

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