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Faculty Academy: The First Disruption

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Faculty Academy is one of my favorite things about the summer. I love listening to the presentations, all the creative thought going on behind classes and projects.  It stirs my brain and gets me excited about this thing called “learning.”

It’s like a music festival, only about education and technology! So, a really geeky Bonnaroo!

Faculty Academy 2012

"Faculty Academy 2010" by Flickr user orioles29

Click here to see this photo on Flickr.

This FA, I’m having as much fun as ever, though I’m faced with a question unusual to most of the participants: “What am I going to do with all this knowledge?” I’m not not a professor, teacher, nor am I currently pursuing a Masters or Ph.D. I’m not an ed-tech, and I doubt anyone would hire someone as unqualified to be one as me. I don’t know where I belong in this community; perhaps for now I’m meant to be floating along, soaking up the knowledge and debates like a sponge, and one day I’ll know what to do with it. I’ve always felt a bit at sea as to my place. I guess for now, I can be a happy participant and bystander, chipping in when I have something to say.

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