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The Unexplainable, Explained

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I’ve really wanted to try this DS106 visual assignment in which you try to illustrate a word/phrase that has no English equivalent. Alan actually built a little randomizer that will give you a word to work with, and then you’ve got search Flickr for a CC image that works as the description. 

The phrase I got was “Pana Po’o” which is apparently the act of scratching one’s head to try and remember something. Yep, no English equivalent for that. 

I found an image on Flickr (see below) and pulled it into SketchBook Pro on my iPad. I added the phrase and a thought bubble—with a DS106-related thought to complete the whole thing. 

I’m not sure that you come away from this really getting what Pana Po’o means, though. It’s a tough assignment once you dig it into it. 

BUT, I think my next project is going to be to turn this into an animated gif with that finger moving. 

Original Photo: 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by minusequalsplus

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