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Letter Home: Week 4

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Dear mom,

This week has been crazy. A lot of school work piling up – final project and exam for Web App Development course and all the Camp Magic Macguffin activities as well. Its been rough but I’ve survived. I’ve fallen a bit behind on Camp due to Mai passing away, work, and school… but I’m catching up slowly but surely with the other campers! Everyone is helpful and nice.

I learned a TON of stuff! I learned and applied different design elements into my photography/creations, learned about Creative Commons (which is an awesome concept!), and even made my own meme- you even got a shoutout on it!

I also did some cool daily creates!

This one is a drawing made of nothing but geometric shapes…

and this one is me noticing our interesting choice for rope material….

Please check out my blog for all the stuff I’ve done lately. I’ve been posting a lot lately! Enjoy and hope to see you soon :)

your son,

Mohamed T. Moaz

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