Inspiration Station
I have been browsing through a bunch of the art submitted by previous DS106 students on the in[SPIRE] site, waiting, searching for that feeling of inspiration, ingenuity, when I stumbled upon this gem:
The text that plays during the movie is enchanting and I don’t entirely understand it, but I don’t want to either–it gives the whole story an aura of mystery. The idea behind showing the reversal of making a cup of tea–so simple, but so mesmerizing at the same time. It’s one of those things that you don’t want to stop watching because you want to see what it is going to look like when the milk/sugar/teabags are removed from the water. You want to see the reversal of these processes. I’m not sure why, because you know what it is going to look like after it is all said and done–it’s going to be an empty cup. But you watch it nonetheless. I love it. I want to do this with something at some point this semester. I just have to figure out what. So, get ready.
I guess you never know what it is that is going to inspire you.
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