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Ritzin’ & Blitzin’

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Because I am such a perfectionist about the pictures I take, I really actually only got five pictures taken during the twenty allotted minutes. BUT, it worked out because I really like the way all of them turned out (even the time marker ones). I chose to do this assignment in my bedroom/bathroom (all one area) because I have a lot of little nooks and crannies and weird decorations in my room that allow for interesting photos. The experience was a lot of me going back and forth between my Lappy and taking pictures in different areas of my room (one reason why I only got five photos taken total). Also, it was a lot of me being OCD about what I wanted the picture to look like, and taking and re-taking photos, and using different lights/angles to see what I liked best. These are what I came up with:

Start – 3:27 pm.

Start 3:27

1. Two Things that do not Belong.

Energy Drinks & Toothpaste

Think about it. Who wants to have an energy drink right after they have brushed their teeth? Gross.

2. Idea of Openness

Open Space

A window, looking out into the big, green backyard to my house. Sure, the window is closed, but the world is always open to us.

3. A Dominant Color

Dominant Color

Self-explanatory, I think.

4. Super[natural] Woman

Super[natural] Woman

This is my phone case (hello, miss feminist). I took a picture, and made it look supernatural (I think), by editing the tint/exposure of it after the fact.

5. My Roommate’s Hand


And finally, the hand of my dear roommate–such a good sport (unlike my kitty). Plus, she’s got some cool bracelets, so that added a cool feature.

End – 3:47 pm

End 3:47

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