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Daily Creates and a story

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This week we had to change it up a bit and make our 3 daily creates into a story. This was an easy assignment because we had a good topic to choose from everyday. 

Prized Possession

For this assignment we were supposed to take a picture of our most prized possession.  Of course it was a no brainer that the one thing I hold near and dear to my heart is my one and only baby boy.  I know that I don’t own him but I own the title of being his Mommy and nobody can ever take that away from me!!!!!!!







Take a picture of Rocks

This assignment takes no description it was simply to take a picture of some rocks.  So that is what I did and posted it below enjoy!!!









Does the shape of an Egyptian pyramid offer power or not?

I feel that anytime you look or think of an Egyptian Pyramid you correlate them with the Pharaohs which equals to me power.  For this assignment I used the painter tool on my computer to create a pyramid.  I know that it is nothing like the real thing but it is my best attempt.  I dream of the day when I can afford and it is safe to go to Egypt and view them in person.  I am sure it will be breath-taking and an experience.  Below I have posted my masterpiece of a pyramid lol!!!


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